Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics

The Sinergi International Journal of Islamic Studies is deeply committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics. Our Editorial Board rigorously enforces these principles to prevent any form of publication malpractice. We adhere strictly to the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors, ensuring ethical practices throughout the publication process.

Key ethical principles include:

  1. Authorship Integrity:
    • All authors must make substantial contributions to the work and agree to its submission.
    • The corresponding author coordinates approvals and manages communications.
    • Author contributions are transparently stated in each manuscript.
    • Changes in authorship after submission require approval from all authors.
  2. Disclosure and Transparency:
    • Authors must declare funding sources, potential conflicts of interest, and ethical approvals.
    • Use of AI tools in research must be clearly described in the methods section.
    • All relevant affiliations and potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed.
  3. Confidentiality and Privacy:
    • All journal communications are confidential unless explicit consent is given.
    • Author privacy is protected in cases of post-publication name changes.
    • Reviewer identities and reports are kept confidential.
  4. Ethical Responsibilities:
    • Authors must maintain scientific integrity and avoid misrepresentation of results.
    • Significant errors must be promptly corrected upon discovery.
    • Editors and staff involved in manuscript compilation are excluded from editorial decisions on that manuscript.
  5. Handling Disputes and Misconduct:
    • Authors are expected to resolve authorship disputes internally.
    • The journal may withdraw manuscripts if disputes persist.
    • Complaints are handled systematically, with potential escalation to COPE.
  6. Reviewer Responsibilities:
    • Maintain confidentiality of manuscript information.
    • Provide objective, constructive feedback.
    • Report any substantial similarities with other works.
    • Declare any conflicts of interest.
  7. Editor Responsibilities:
    • Ensure fair and timely peer review processes.
    • Make unbiased decisions based on merit.
    • Maintain confidentiality of reviewer information.
    • Promptly address potential ethical violations.