R-W-C Policy

Retraction, Withdrawal, & Correction Policy (RWC)

The Sinergi International Journal of Economics has established a comprehensive RWC policy to maintain scientific integrity:

  1. Article Retraction:
    • Implemented for significant scientific errors, duplicate publication, or ethical violations.
    • Process involves thorough evaluation by editors and the Ethics Advisory Board.
    • Retraction notices are published online and in the next journal issue.
  2. Article Withdrawal:
    • Discouraged to prevent waste of resources.
    • Fees applied: $10 USD / 100,000 IDR during peer review, $15 USD / 200,000 IDR after acceptance, $20 USD / 300,000 IDR for published "Articles in Press".
    • Non-payment results in one-year blacklisting of author and institution.
  3. Article Correction:
    • Published for honest errors in data, author lists, or necessary clarifications.
    • Categories: Publisher's correction (erratum), Author's correction (corrigendum), Addendum.
    • Decision made by Editor in consultation with reviewers or Editorial Board.
  4. Article Removal:
    • Rare cases involving legal issues, court orders, or serious health risks.
    • Metadata retained, but article text replaced with removal notice.
  5. Article Replacement:
    • Allowed for articles posing serious health risks.
    • Original article retracted and linked to corrected version.