Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) with Sweep and Nearest Neighbor Algorithm
CVRP, Sweep Algorithm, Neirest Neighbour, OptimizationAbstract
The Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) presents significant challenges in shipping route optimization and logistics management. These challenges include balancing vehicle capacity, minimizing travel distance, and efficiently grouping delivery points, all of which are crucial for enhancing operational efficiency and reducing costs. This research aims to apply a combination of the Sweep and Nearest Neighbor algorithms to address the CVRP, seeking to improve route efficiency and manage vehicle capacity effectively. The Sweep algorithm is employed to cluster pickup points based on their polar angle from the depot, facilitating efficient grouping and optimal vehicle capacity management. Within each cluster, the Nearest Neighbor algorithm is implemented to optimize the sequence of visits, minimizing total travel distance by sequentially selecting the next closest point. The Haversine Distance is used to calculate the distances between points, ensuring geographical accuracy compared to the Euclidean method. Experimental results demonstrate that this hybrid approach yields shorter routes. Quantitative analysis shows a significant reduction 13% in total travel distance when using this combination of algorithms, highlighting its effectiveness in solving the CVRP. This research demonstrates that combining the Sweep and Nearest Neighbor algorithms provides an efficient solution to the CVRP, improving route optimization and vehicle capacity management. The findings contribute valuable insights to logistics management, with practical implications for enhancing shipping route efficiency.
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