Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

The Sinergi International Journal of Management and Business employs a meticulous evaluation process for all manuscript submissions to ensure high academic standards and originality. Our review system utilizes a double-blind approach, maintaining anonymity between authors and reviewers throughout the assessment.

Our editorial team comprises management and business experts from diverse global backgrounds, offering a rich tapestry of perspectives. This international composition enhances the depth and breadth of manuscript evaluations, leading to well-informed editorial decisions.

The review process unfolds as follows:

  1. Preliminary Manuscript Assessment: Upon submission, each manuscript undergoes an initial screening by the Editor-in-Chief. This critical step verifies:
    • Alignment with the journal's management and business focus
    • Compliance with basic submission guidelines
    • Potential for significant academic contribution Manuscripts that do not meet these criteria are promptly declined without further review.
  2. Comprehensive Peer Evaluation: Manuscripts passing the initial screening are assigned to a handling editor, who then:
    • Selects a minimum of two experts in the relevant management or business field
    • Orchestrates a double-blind peer review process
    • Ensures a thorough and impartial assessment of the work
  3. Decision Based on Collective Expert Input: The journal requires at least two expert reviews before proceeding with any decision. If reviews show significant discrepancies, the handling editor may:
    • Engage a third reviewer for additional insights
    • Seek further clarification from existing reviewers

At this juncture, several outcomes are possible:

  • Manuscript rejection
  • Request for minor revisions
  • Request for major revisions
  • Acceptance without changes
  • Recommendation for resubmission (if substantial content or language modifications are necessary)

Accepted manuscripts are returned to authors for formatting refinements. The Editor-in-Chief makes the final acceptance decision, considering:

  • Recommendations from the handling editor
  • Approval from the editorial board
  • Overall contribution to management and business scholarship
  1. Internal Revision and Reassessment: Authors of manuscripts requiring revisions are given a three-week window to modify and reformat their work. Subsequently, the handling editor:
    • Reassesses the revised manuscript
    • Determines if changes adequately address reviewers' comments and suggestions
    • May initiate additional revision cycles if necessary
  2. Final Publication Verdict: In this concluding stage, the revised manuscript faces a binary outcome: acceptance or rejection. The decision hinges on:
    • The handling editor's assessment of improvements made
    • Alignment with the Sinergi International Journal of Management and Business's quality benchmarks
    • Potential impact on management and business scholarship

Manuscripts failing to incorporate necessary changes or falling short of the journal's rigorous standards will be rejected.

This multi-tiered review process ensures that the Sinergi International Journal of Management and Business publishes only high-quality, original research, maintaining its position as a respected source in the field. By combining expert knowledge, diverse perspectives, and rigorous evaluation, we strive to advance the understanding and practice of management and business on a global scale.

Our commitment to publishing excellence extends beyond the review process. We continuously refine our procedures to stay at the forefront of academic publishing, ensuring that our journal remains a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers in the dynamic fields of management and business.