Peer Review Process

The Sinergi International Journal of Management and Business upholds a rigorous double-blind peer-review process to ensure the academic and ethical quality of its publications. The process involves the following steps:

  1. Initial Screening
    All submitted manuscripts undergo an initial review by the Editor-in-Chief to ensure they align with the journal's scope and meet submission requirements.

  2. Double-Blind Review
    Manuscripts are reviewed by at least two external experts. The identities of both authors and reviewers are concealed to maintain objectivity and impartiality.

  3. Review Outcomes
    Decisions on manuscripts are based on reviewers’ feedback and include acceptance, minor or major revisions, or rejection. Authors must address all reviewer comments when revising their manuscripts.

  4. Timelines and Communication
    Reviewers are given 2-4 weeks to complete their evaluations. Authors are promptly informed of any decisions, and estimated review durations are communicated at the time of submission.

The journal strictly adheres to the ethical guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and ethical standards throughout the peer-review process