Peer Review Process

The Sinergi International Journal of Communication Sciences implements a comprehensive and stringent evaluation process for all submitted manuscripts. This process ensures the highest standards of academic quality and originality in the field of communication sciences. Our review methodology employs a double-blind system, where the identities of both authors and reviewers are kept anonymous, fostering unbiased and objective assessments.

Our review panel consists of esteemed experts in communication sciences from diverse global backgrounds. This international composition brings a rich tapestry of perspectives and judgments, significantly enhancing the depth and breadth of manuscript evaluations.

Detailed Review Process:

  1. Preliminary Screening:
    • The Editor-in-Chief conducts an initial assessment of each submission.
    • Manuscripts are evaluated for alignment with the journal's scope and adherence to basic submission criteria.
    • Those failing this initial screening are promptly rejected.
  2. In-Depth Peer Review:
    • Manuscripts passing the initial screening are assigned to a specialized handling editor.
    • The handling editor selects a minimum of two expert reviewers in the relevant field of communication sciences.
    • Reviewers conduct a thorough, double-blind evaluation of the manuscript.
  3. Decision-Making Process:
    • The handling editor awaits at least two comprehensive review reports before making any decisions.
    • In cases of significantly divergent opinions, a third reviewer is engaged to provide additional insights.
    • Possible outcomes at this stage include: a) Rejection b) Request for minor revisions c) Request for major revisions d) Acceptance without changes e) Recommendation for resubmission (for substantial content or language modifications)
  4. Revision and Re-evaluation:
    • Authors of manuscripts requiring revisions are given a three-week window for modifications.
    • The handling editor reassesses the revised manuscript, focusing on the adequacy of changes and the authors' responses to reviewers' feedback.
    • If revisions are deemed insufficient, the manuscript is returned for further improvements.
  5. Final Verdict:
    • The Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with the handling editor and the editorial board, makes the final decision on manuscript acceptance.
    • This decision is based on the manuscript's improved quality and its contribution to the field of communication sciences.
  6. Post-Acceptance Procedures:
    • Accepted manuscripts are returned to authors for final formatting.
    • The journal's editorial team conducts a final review to ensure adherence to the journal's stylistic and formatting guidelines.

This meticulous review process of the Sinergi International Journal of Communication Sciences ensures that only high-quality, original research in communication sciences reaches publication, maintaining the journal's reputation as a leading platform in the field.