Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics

The Sinergi International Journal of Communication Science upholds the highest standards of publication ethics and actively prevents malpractice. Our Editorial Board enforces these principles rigorously. We have zero tolerance for unethical behavior. All parties involved must adhere to good practices outlined in the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors, available on the COPE website under Core Practices.

Authorship and Contributions:

  1. Authorship implies agreement with content and submission, including permissions.
  2. Authors must disclose funding, interests, and ethical approvals.
  3. Corresponding authors manage approvals and communications.
  4. Contribution statements are published in manuscripts.
  5. Primary affiliations reflect research locations and are unchangeable post-publication.
  6. Author changes require approval pre-acceptance.
  7. ORCID IDs are encouraged.
  8. Inclusion of deceased/incapacitated authors needs legal approval.
  9. All communications are confidential unless consented otherwise.
  10. Authors resolve authorship disputes; unresolved issues may lead to manuscript withdrawal.
  11. AI tools are not authors; their use must be described.
  12. Post-publication name changes are discreetly updated.
  13. Journal staff involved in manuscripts are excluded from decisions.
  14. Authors must maintain integrity and respect decisions.
  15. Significant errors must be corrected upon discovery.
  16. Authors may suggest independent reviewers.

Complaints and Appeals:

  1. Initial complaints handled by editors.
  2. Scientific content appeals assessed by editors.
  3. Process complaints investigated for improvement.
  4. Publication ethics complaints follow COPE guidelines.

Conflict of Interest: Authors must disclose all potential influences on their research, including funding, employment, financial interests, and non-financial factors.

Post-Publication Discussion: Articles may be removed for legal infringements, court orders, or health risks. Metadata is retained with explanations.

Reviewer Responsibilities: Maintain confidentiality, provide objective feedback, identify uncited work, report similarities, and avoid conflicts of interest.

Editor Responsibilities: Have decision authority, ensure quality, consider stakeholder needs, base decisions on merit, maintain confidentiality, follow ethical guidelines, and avoid conflicts of interest.