About the Journal

Journal Title 

Journal of Health Literacy and Qualitative Research

Abbreviation  J Health Lit Qual Res
DOI prefix 10.61194
Online ISSN 2775-7005
Editor-in-chief Dr. Ahmad Yani, S.K.M.,M.Kes
Publisher Yayasan Sinergi Kawula Muda

Journal of Health Literacy and Qualitative Research (JHLQR) is an open-access journal managed by Yayasan Sinergi Kawula Muda. This journal focuses on health literacy and qualitative research, providing a platform for academics, practitioners, and policymakers to share research findings and innovations in the field of public health and health communication.

JHLQR is published six times a year in January, March, May, July, September, and November. The journal invites contributions in various health-related topics, including health literacy, qualitative research in healthcare, health communication, public health policy, and patient education.

To ensure wide visibility and impact, JHLQR is indexed in several academic databases, such as Garba Rujukan Digital (GARUDA), Google Scholar, Crossref, and Dimensions. Researchers are encouraged to submit empirical studies, theoretical explorations, and case analyses that address the challenges and advancements in global health literacy and qualitative research.

For more information on submission guidelines, review processes, and editorial policies, please visit the official JHLQR website at https://journal.sinergi.or.id/index.php/jhlqr