
Digital preservation can be defined as the range of procedures and efforts aimed at securing digital information in its current form, ensuring its availability over the long haul. The digital assets of our journal hold significant value, and we have instituted measures to ensure both their present accessibility and their preservation for the future. Our preservation policy encompasses the following strategies:

Website Archiving: Our electronic content, including the website and manuscripts, is stored across three distinct sources. While one server hosts online content accessible to readers, identical copies are maintained as backups on two additional sources. Should one server experience a malfunction, content from the alternative sources can be made accessible online within 24-36 hours.

Abstracting/Indexing Services: The Abstracting/Indexing services utilized by our journal store vital information about articles. Notably, two of these services not only archive article metadata but also store electronic versions of articles. Consequently, copies of articles are available to the scientific community through these systems, serving as an alternative access point.

Self-Archiving: Authors have the option to archive the final published versions of their articles in personal or institutional repositories immediately following publication.

Contingency Planning: While we anticipate continuous publication of our journal for the foreseeable future, we have prepared for rare and unfortunate scenarios that may necessitate a halt in publication. In such instances, manuscripts previously published in the journal will remain accessible to readers online for at least 10 years. Furthermore, under specific conditions such as collection discontinuation or website failure, content accessibility will be ensured through the LOCKSS and CLOCKSS systems.

The LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system and the CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system serve to establish secure and enduring archives for our journal's content, safeguarding it for posterity.