Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

The Sinergi International Journal of Psychology implements a comprehensive evaluation process for all manuscript submissions, ensuring high standards of academic merit and innovation in the field of psychology. Our review system employs a double-blind methodology, preserving anonymity between authors and reviewers throughout the assessment.

Our editorial team comprises psychology experts from diverse global backgrounds, offering a wide range of perspectives and insights. This international composition enhances the depth and breadth of manuscript evaluations, leading to well-rounded editorial decisions in psychological research.

The review process consists of the following stages:

  1. Initial Manuscript Screening: Upon submission, each manuscript undergoes a preliminary assessment by the Editor-in-Chief. This crucial step verifies:
    • Alignment with the journal's psychology-focused scope
    • Adherence to basic submission guidelines
    • Potential for academic contribution to psychological science Manuscripts failing to meet these criteria are promptly rejected without further review.
  2. In-Depth Peer Evaluation: Manuscripts passing the initial screening are assigned to a handling editor. This editor then:
    • Selects at least two experts in the relevant area of psychology
    • Facilitates a double-blind peer review process
    • Ensures a thorough and unbiased assessment of the psychological research
  3. Decision Based on Collective Expert Input: The journal requires a minimum of two expert reviews before proceeding with any decision. In cases of significant discrepancies between reviews, the handling editor may:
    • Engage a third reviewer for additional insights
    • Seek further clarification from existing reviewers

At this stage, several outcomes are possible:

  • Rejection of the manuscript
  • Request for minor revisions
  • Request for major revisions
  • Acceptance without changes
  • Recommendation for resubmission (if substantial content or language modifications are necessary)

Accepted manuscripts are returned to authors for formatting refinements. The Editor-in-Chief makes the final acceptance decision, considering:

  • Recommendations from the handling editor
  • Approval from the editorial board
  • Overall contribution to the field of psychology
  1. Internal Revision and Reassessment: Authors of manuscripts requiring revisions are given a three-week window to modify and reformat their work. The handling editor then:
    • Reassesses the revised manuscript
    • Determines if changes adequately address reviewers' comments and suggestions
    • May initiate additional revision cycles if necessary
  2. Final Publication Decision: In this concluding stage, the revised manuscript faces a binary outcome: acceptance or rejection. The decision hinges on:
    • The handling editor's assessment of improvements made
    • Alignment with the Sinergi International Journal of Psychology's quality benchmarks
    • Potential impact on psychological theory, research, or practice

Manuscripts failing to incorporate necessary changes or falling short of the journal's rigorous standards will be rejected.

This multi-tiered review process ensures that the Sinergi International Journal of Psychology publishes only high-quality, original research, maintaining its position as a respected source in the psychological sciences. By combining expert knowledge, diverse perspectives, and rigorous evaluation, we strive to advance the understanding and application of psychology on a global scale.

Our commitment to publishing excellence extends beyond the review process. We continuously refine our procedures to stay at the forefront of academic publishing in psychology, ensuring that our journal remains a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, and educators in the diverse and evolving field of psychological science.