Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics

The Sinergi International Journal of Psychology is committed to maintaining the highest standards of publication ethics. Our comprehensive approach includes:

  1. Ethical Guidelines:
    • Strict adherence to COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors
    • Zero tolerance policy for unethical behavior
    • Regular review and update of ethical guidelines
    • Mandatory ethics training for editorial board members
  2. Authorship and Contributions:
    • Clear definition of authorship criteria
    • Authors must agree to content and submission process
    • Detailed contribution statements required for each manuscript
    • Guidelines for determining order of authorship
    • Procedures for adding or removing authors post-submission
    • Special protocols for posthumous authorship
  3. Disclosure and Transparency:
    • Comprehensive disclosure of funding sources
    • Declaration of financial and non-financial interests
    • Transparency in reporting of ethical approvals
    • Clear guidelines for disclosing use of AI tools in research
    • Mandatory reporting of data availability and accessibility
  4. Peer Review Process:
    • Double-blind peer review to ensure unbiased evaluation
    • Clear guidelines for reviewer selection and responsibilities
    • Mechanisms to detect and prevent peer review manipulation
    • Transparency in communicating review decisions to authors
  5. Plagiarism and Academic Integrity:
    • Use of plagiarism detection software for all submissions
    • Clear policies on self-plagiarism and text recycling
    • Guidelines for appropriate citation and referencing
    • Procedures for handling allegations of research misconduct
  6. Data Integrity and Research Ethics:
    • Requirements for data availability statements
    • Guidelines for handling research involving human subjects
    • Policies on animal research ethics
    • Procedures for ensuring data privacy and confidentiality
  7. Conflicts of Interest:
    • Comprehensive conflict of interest policy for authors, reviewers, and editors
    • Mandatory disclosure of potential conflicts
    • Procedures for managing conflicts of interest in the editorial process
  8. Confidentiality and Privacy:
    • Strict confidentiality of all journal communications
    • Guidelines for protecting reviewer anonymity
    • Protocols for handling sensitive or embargoed research
  9. Post-Publication Discussions and Corrections:
    • Clear procedures for post-publication comments and discussions
    • Detailed policy on corrections, retractions, and expressions of concern
    • Guidelines for updating published articles
  10. Intellectual Property and Copyright:
    • Clear policies on copyright and licensing
    • Guidelines for fair use and reproduction of copyrighted material
    • Procedures for handling copyright infringement claims
  11. Editorial Independence and Journal Governance:
    • Safeguards to ensure editorial independence
    • Transparency in journal ownership and management
    • Policies to prevent commercial considerations from compromising intellectual standards
  12. Ethical Marketing and Communication:
    • Guidelines for ethical promotion of the journal
    • Policies on appropriate use of impact factors and metrics
    • Transparency in reporting journal statistics
  13. Diversity and Inclusion:
    • Commitment to diversity in editorial board composition
    • Policies to promote inclusive language in publications
    • Guidelines to ensure fair representation in research subjects
  14. Complaints and Appeals:
    • Detailed procedures for handling complaints about scientific content
    • Clear process for appealing editorial decisions
    • Mechanisms for addressing concerns about publication ethics
  15. Continuous Improvement:
    • Regular review and update of ethical policies
    • Participation in industry discussions on publication ethics
    • Commitment to transparency in ethical decision-making processes