R-W-C Policy

RWC Policy (Retraction, Withdrawal, & Correction)

The Sinergi International Journal of Psychology maintains a comprehensive policy for retractions, withdrawals, and corrections to ensure the integrity of the scientific record:

  1. Article Retraction:
    • Reasons: Significant scientific errors, duplicate publication, ethical issues
    • Process: Editor evaluation, Ethics Advisory Board review, final decision communication
    • Retraction statement published online and in next journal issue
  2. Article Withdrawal:
    • Discouraged to prevent resource waste
    • Fines: $10 USD/Rp 100,000 during peer-review, $15 USD/Rp 200,000 after acceptance, $20 USD/Rp 300,000 for "Article in Press"
    • Non-payment results in 1-year blacklist for author and affiliate
    • Requires official letter signed by author and institution head
  3. Article Correction:
    • For honest errors or incorrect author lists
    • Types: Publisher's correction, Author's correction, Addendum
    • Editor decides on corrections, consulting with Reviewers or Editorial Board
  4. Article Removal:
    • Limited to cases of defamation, legal rights violation, court orders, or serious health risks
    • Metadata retained with removal notice replacing article text
  5. Article Replacement:
    • For cases where follow-up article poses serious health risk
    • Retraction notice includes link to corrected article and document history