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Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024): August
Injustice Behind Rights: Unveiling the Paradox of Wrongful Arrest Victims
Abstract views: 228 times | Downloads: 80 times | DOI: -
The Negative Impact of Social Media on Generation Z in Election Activities in 2024
Abstract views: 1295 times | Downloads: 374 times | DOI: -
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Law Enforcement: Towards a More Accurate and Efficient Justice System
Abstract views: 271 times | Downloads: 135 times | DOI: -
Copyright Protection in the Digital Age: Addressing Challenges and Finding Solutions in Indonesian Civil Law
Abstract views: 118 times | Downloads: 78 times | DOI: -
Case Study: Strength of Child Witness Testimony in Cases of Sexual Abuse in Decision No. IX: 135/Pid.Sus/2023/DPK
Abstract views: 68 times | Downloads: 43 times | DOI: -
Navigating Influencer Liability on Social Media: Balancing Profits and Legal Risks
Abstract views: 97 times | Downloads: 90 times | DOI: -
Planning your dream home safely: Understanding Regulations and Avoiding Public Housing Savings Breaches
Abstract views: 85 times | Downloads: 50 times | DOI: -
Online Gambling: A Tantalizing Game with Risks that Drain Fortunes and Futures
Abstract views: 261 times | Downloads: 180 times | DOI: