The Influence of Service Quality, SOP and Instructor Competence on the Satisfaction of Training Participants in Basic Safety Training and Survival Craft and Rescue Boat at the Ministry of Transportation STIP Marunda


  • Novianita Rulandari Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen STIAMI
  • Kristofer Reflus Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen STIAMI
  • Amer Shebl Zaya Al-Mustansiriya University



Service Quality, Service SOP, Competence and Satisfaction


The study aimed to determine the influence of service quality, service SOP, and instructor competence on the satisfaction of participants in Basic Safety Training and Survival Craft and Rescue Boat at the Ministry of Transportation STIP Marunda. A quantitative research method was employed, utilizing questionnaires for data collection. The population consisted of 420 training participants, with a sample size of 205. Correlation analysis and multiple regression were used for data analysis. The results indicated that service quality had a significant positive influence on satisfaction by 16.8%, service SOPs had a significant positive effect by 7.8%, and instructor competence had a significant positive influence by 30.9%. Overall, service quality, service SOPs, and instructor competence collectively influenced participant satisfaction by 46.9%. Thus, better implementation of these factors led to higher satisfaction among participants in the training program.


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